--Thought Threads
Take a deep breath. Hold it. Now exhale. Breathe normally
These days it seems that the only way to start learning something new, is to stop and take a deep breath.
I would suggest that, but I am ready to get started. Who has time to breathe?
Breathing would probably be a good idea.
Here you are. Here I am. I want to tell you what Thought Threads is, and more so, get started right away. Who wants to stop and think about something when instead you can go straight to the thing itself?
Well, that's confusing, you think. How do I know what the thing is, much less whether or not I want to go straight to it?
It is confusing. And it's not. Thought Threads is hard to explain and easy to do.
Thought threads is a way of noticing and investigating your thoughts. More than investigating. Digging into them. Pulling out the good stuff. breaking thoughts down and building them up. Shifting, moving, jumping up and down on them. It's pretty hard to hurt a thought, and hard to let a thought hurt someone else (you are free to batter yourself with your own thoughts. I can hardly stop you. For some of us, it's a daily entertainment*)
*if you are clinically self-hating, this is not a comment to show that self-hatred is OK. I don't want to trigger you. I want to tease the people who habitually and pointlessly give themselves a hard time. Depression and other forms of self-hatred are serious physical illnesses. I do not make light of them.
Thought Threads is something you do.
Thought Threads is a set of tools.
Try it.
But it can be used to figure some stuff out.
Thought Threads is free, every day, all the time, forever. All of it.*
*If you want you can buy some time with me, but you don't need to and most people won't.
While journallers will be drawn to the site, the tools of Thought Threads are not dependent on words. Every activity has its own language, from math to dance to music to fishing and engineering, to bulldozing and building, to raising kids and raising cain. It all works.
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